Straight port of Arduino library to interface with RGB LED strips built with the HL1606 driver chip.
This hasnt even been tested yet, I just converted the code without even analysing it.
[EDIT] OK I've had a chance to look at the code and what its suppose to do. The HL1606 is basically 2* shift register and 2* LED driver. The code below is Bit Bashing it's way through, which is a pretty basic way of controlling, especially since there should be some hardware support which can do the job for us (e.g. SPI).
I'm going to have a go a writing a driver which is a bit more efficient than the below code. I'll keep you posted!
using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace NetduinoLEDSriptDriver
class HL1606Driver
enum BitOrder
enum LEDState
OFF, // 0b00
ON, // 0b01
UP, // 0b10
DOWN, // 0b11
//#define _BV(bit) (1 << (bit)) //#include
//Converts a bit number into a byte value.
private const uint NONCMD = 0xFF;
private const uint LATCH = 0x07;
private const uint SPEED2X = 0x06;
private const bool LOW = false;
private const bool HIGH = true;
static OutputPort _dPin;
private OutputPort _sPin;
private OutputPort _latchPin;
private OutputPort _clkPin;
private bool _faderEnabled;
private uint _faderPulseNextEdge;
//System Function
protected void digitalWrite(OutputPort port, bool state)
protected bool digitalRead(OutputPort port)
return port.Read();
//public void pinMode(uint port, uint state)
public HL1606Driver(Cpu.Pin dPin, Cpu.Pin sPin, Cpu.Pin latchPin, Cpu.Pin clkPin)
//Setup Ports
_dPin = new OutputPort(dPin, false);
_sPin = new OutputPort(sPin, false); ;
_latchPin = new OutputPort(latchPin, false);
_clkPin = new OutputPort(clkPin, false);
catch (Exception)
_faderEnabled = false;
//Setup Port Inital States
void wakeup()
digitalWrite(_dPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(_sPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(_latchPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(_clkPin, LOW);
void faderCrank()
short mymillis;
if (!_faderEnabled) return;
SystemTime t = new SystemTime();
mymillis = t.Milliseconds;
// Give us 250ms slop in case we don't exactly catch our edge.
if (mymillis >= _faderPulseNextEdge && mymillis < _faderpulsehalfwidth =" _faderPulseNewHalfWidth;" _faderpulsenextedge =" (uint)mymillis" myvar =" value;" myvar ="=" _faderenabled =" false;" _faderpulsehalfwidth =" 0;" _faderpulsenewhalfwidth =" 0;" _faderpulsenewhalfwidth =" myVar;" _faderenabled =" true;" _faderpulsehalfwidth =" myVar;" t =" new" _faderpulsenextedge =" (uint)t.Milliseconds" value ="=" _faderenabled =" false;" _faderpulsehalfwidth =" 0;" _faderpulsenewhalfwidth =" 0;" _faderpulsenewhalfwidth =" value;" _faderenabled =" true;" _faderpulsehalfwidth =" value;" t =" new" _faderpulsenextedge =" (uint)t.Milliseconds" cmd =" 0;" flags =" LATCH;">= NONCMD || bluecmd >= NONCMD || greencmd >= NONCMD) return;
cmd |= (greencmd << cmd =" 0;" flags =" LATCH">= NONCMD || bluecmd >= NONCMD || greencmd >= NONCMD) return;
cmd |= (greencmd << i =" 0;" _bitorder ="=" mask =" (byte)(1" mask =" (byte)(1" ms =" (int)delay">
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